
Why We Collaborate
In order to help grow the public knowledge and appreciation of Japanese music culture, we work with other organisations and individuals to create new and exciting projects. We use this opportunity to learn from others and share our knowledge with them. This allows us to improve our vocalsynth projects and create new experiences for our audience.
We are not looking to make a profit from our collaborations, but we do ask that collaboartors respect our values and goals. If you are able to help us achieve our goals, and we can help you achieve yours, we would love to work with you.
What We Do
Vocal Synth Hologram Concerts
Our main original project is our vocalsynth concert series, which features live holographic performances of virtual singers such as GUMI and Kasane Teto. We run the full package, including the hologram setup, sound and the event itself. Custom set lists are available, and we produce bespoke content for each concert.
We are looking to expand our staff in this department, so if you have experience in live events, can play an instrument, or have promotional links, please get in touch! We are also looking for potential venues outside of conventions to host our concerts in the future.
Previous Collabs: South Yorkshire Anime Festival, VOCABERLIN
A/V Technical Solutions
Our Dante-certified technicians can provide audio and video mixing services for your event. We run all our own equipment, including Sennheiser wireless microphones, YAMAHA mixers and JBL speakers. All our equipment is available for hire, and we can provide training on how to use it, or we can run the equipment for you. For safety reasons, everything is fully safety checked and insured.
We have bases in the UK and Germany, and can travel to any location in Europe.
Previous Events: RakuCon, York Anime Festival
Research & Development
We develop our own software and hardware solutions for our concerts and events we collaborate with. We are able to provide bespoke solutions for your event, including voting platforms, live interaction and displays. We are also working on creating original characters and other content for our events.
Most of our software is open-source, and we are always looking for new contributors. You can find our repositories on our GitHub page.
Previous Projects: MultiVideo, Manager, RakuCon Voting Platform
Content Creation
We can produce social media videos, art, music and design merchandise for your event. We have a team of artists and we can also film and edit videos for you.
We are always looking for new artists to work with, so if you have a talent for drawing, music or video production, please get in touch!
Previous Projects: RakuCon, VOCA-UK
What We're Looking For
We're looking for musicians, artists, event promoters/organisers and anyone else who is interested in vocalsynth culture to work with us to help produce concerts and events. We're also looking for venues to host our concerts, and we're looking for sponsors to help us grow our project.
If you're interested in working with us, please contact us!